A lot of you folks reading this are 'Starckers', many of you still live in Dallas, right? Do me a solid, go ahead and ask some of your younger cohorts, co-workers, or younger pals under the age of say... 35, no scratch that, even 40, that's right 40. Ask them what they know about Starck Club. See that glazed look in their eye? Yeah, that's right, people FROM DALLAS under the age of 40 have no idea what Starck Club was, so keep in mind....
FF, as well as screening at the Legendary Texas Theatre a few months later. In the meantime, we screened this film around the world: Australia to London, NYC, Palm Springs, Las Vegas, and of course, Tinsletown... Then, miraculously, a whole slew of extremely rare stock footage and interviews came into our clutches. Finally, we created the COMPLETE version which we've been offering on Blu Ray, and now FINALLY available on all VOD platforms for all of you to peruse.
Of course, just like many of you, we love the other Starck film. It's obviously a better, more complete version of the Starck story, but we like to think the films complement each other quite well. We're the hors d'oevre, the amuse bouche, the appetizer and The Starck Club is the main course, the entree, the graduate course, etc. This is no longer any sort of competition, this is a high tide raises all boats kind of story. If our film does well, it certainly isn't going to hurt distribution prospects for the other doc. It can ONLY help!!!
We're working on a Screening in Las Vegas to coincide w the launch in early Sept. Las Vegas has essentially become the capital of EDM w Electric Daisy Carnival as well as all the DJs at the various Casinos, many of these guys like Tiesto & Calvin Harris w millions of Twitter & IG followers. And, as many of you know Starck Club was not only ground zero for the popularization of ecstasy, the whole rave scene, but even lit the fuse for the entire Billion dollar, DJ driven, EDM (Electronic Dance Music) scene. We're trying to get into those feeds & it'd be big if you guys on Twitter could shout it out & put it in some DJ feeds. Also just shouting out the links to your own peeps and most importantly for those who rent or buy the film, it's even more important to Rate & Review the film. This is incredibly important as it fires up the algorithms to drive viewership on all the platforms. I can't stress this enough: TO RATE & REVIEW THE FILM IS EVEN MORE IMPORTANT than the rent or Buy. It's just Huge!!!! Guys we need your help, we wanna remove those blank stares when it comes to hearing the name Starck Club. Only you guys who were there really know, and we need you now!
So here it goes, you guys reading this are getting the first crack on Amazon & Amazon Prime so please make sure to RATE & REVIEW!!!!
So here it goes, you guys reading this are getting the first crack on Amazon & Amazon Prime so please make sure to RATE & REVIEW!!!!
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